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This past semester has been a transformative one, filled with obstacles that have tested my abilities and pushed me to grow. I’ve learned valuable lessons, and I will continue to carry them throughout the rest of my journalistic career. One of the significant challenges I faced was communication with other new staff writers. I had to develop effective communication strategies to convey expectations, provide guidance, and foster a sense of camaraderie among the team. Overcoming this challenge required patience, active listening, and a willingness to adapt my leadership style to accommodate the needs of each individual.


Another challenge I encountered was the pressure to publish stories quickly. Journalism often operates on tight deadlines, and it was crucial for our publication to stay relevant and timely, as one of the leading Paly publications and only online publication. However, this presented a challenge in terms of balancing speed with quality. As someone who is a perfectionist, I always strive to put my best work forward, and struggled with getting work out quickly. Additionally, one of the most significant personal challenges I faced was overcoming my fears while conducting interviews. 


 In terms of my accomplishments this semester, I am proud to have written 34 stories and edited around 97 stories throughout the past year. These numbers reflect my commitment to my role and demonstrate my growth as a leader. Moreover, I have noticed significant improvements in my writing skills, which have translated into better-quality work. I’ve seen tangible improvements in my writing and feedback from editors, and I am looking forward to another year on the Paly Voice. I


The environment and experience of being part of the Paly Voice has had a significant impact on my journalistic career. Working alongside a talented and dedicated team, attending conventions, and being immersed in the world of high school journalism have been truly inspiring. These experiences have fueled my passion for writing and have motivated me to continue pursuing journalism in the future. The supportive and collaborative environment has fostered personal and professional growth, and I’ve really enjoyed my time. Through my involvement in high school journalism, I have honed my writing skills, improved my research abilities, and developed a keen eye for accuracy and checking for AP style. I have also gained valuable experience in collaborating with the team, managing deadlines, and navigating the intricacies of a fast-paced work environment. However, I acknowledge that there is always room for growth. 


Moving forward, I want to develop my skills through writing more editorials, as I haven't written as much in it and these areas present exciting opportunities for innovation and expanding the reach of our publication. The accomplishments I have achieved and the skills I have acquired through the past year has solidified my passion for writing and strengthened my commitment to pursuing journalism in the future.

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